ALPHA Car Rental Inc. Logo

ALPHA Car Rental Inc.

1350 Ellesmere Rd.
Scarborough  Ontario   M1P 2X9

Business Profile
ALPHA Car Rental is conveniently located in Scarborough and Mississauga, Ontario. with the help of loyal clientele, the company has grown consistently, at a rate of over 35% per year. Since its inception, ALPHA Car and Truck Rental has been one among the leading car rental services company in Scarborough. Our goal is to offer quality car and truck rentals while remembering that our customer service will set us above the rest
Location: Toronto Area
Categories: Car Rentals, Truck Rentals
View other car rentals businesses in the Toronto Area.
Updated: 2019-12-23 16:14:45 ID: 562 Suggest an update to this business.