Rental Type

Rental Ontario is a directory of businesses that offer rental of vehicles such as cars, classic autos, boats, RVs, trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, Sea Doos, Skidoos, snowmobiles, trailers and more.

Rental Ontario also lists business that rent other recreational items such as cottages, house boats, skis and more. Rental Ontario gives you a simple and quick way to find the business that is right for you.

Search for a rental business by rental category. Select the type of item for rent that you are looking for below.

Businesses that offer Vehicles for rent.
Businesses that specialize in Recreational Rentals such as cottages, boats, houseboats, ATVs, snowmobiles and more.
Businesses that offer Event Rentals.
Businesses that offer Construction Rentals.
Businesses that offer Other types of items for rent.